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  • Post issue Paid Up Capital PKR 200 Million Rupees and above.
  • In business for at least three years and profitable for at least two preceding years before getting listed (New greenfield projects are exempted)
  • Have a working website containing basic business information and quarterly reports.
  • Must prepare periodic Financial statements audited by QCR rated chartered accountants and published on the website.

Listing fees

Procedure to get listed

  • Your Company appoints a “Consultant” and completes submission of all documents.
  • The consultant completes an initial review and necessary due diligence of your Company to ensure adequate disclosures in the prospectus.
  • On behalf of the Exchange, the PSX Listing Committee allows approval of your listing application.
  • After PSX listing committee’s approval, SECP gives its approval on the prospectus.
  • An Initial Public Offering is held through a Public offer by either a fixed price method or book building method.
  • Your Company is formally listed on the Stock Exchange.

Listings - Company Resources

We want to hear from you - Submit Interest

Whether you are just gathering information for a possible IPO in the future, or you are actually planning or preparing for IPO the Business Development team of PSX is here to offer assistance.

If you have already begun preparations for IPO but want to hear from the PSX directly, our team is here for you to consult with. We are ready to answer any questions regarding the listing of your company. If you want to know about our system and rules for listing such as listing criteria, or if you are wondering what you should do to prepare for listing, please feel free to contact us from our web site or by phone.

We also have staff available to visit prospective applicants and provide hands-on explanations of the listing process.


Sami Shakeel


Telephone: +92-2135274574 Ext: 4574


Sarmad Hussain


Telephone: +9221 111-001122 Ext: 4653| Direct: 042-36316974


Saqib Ali


Telephone: 111-001-122 Ext. 4637 | Direct: 021-35274673

Help Desk (92-21) 111-011-122


Suite of Corporate Services packages:

Pakistan Stock Exchange brings one stop solution for all the listed companies, now companies can just subscribe to one of the Package and receive the following services during the year:

  • Auditorium for Corporate Analyst Briefing
  • Orientation of PUCARS interface
  • Regulatory Affairs Training for Co. Secretary
  • Directors Training Program (PICG)
  • Workshops by PICG

Packages Starting from PKR 450,000+Tax.

Packages for New listed Companies (Companies listed post July 2021)

Packages for Listed Companies (Companies listed before July 2021)

The suite will include the following:

  • Auditorium for Corporate Analyst Briefing session (2-3 hours). This includes Auditorium seating, Multimedia, Internet Connection, and Zoom facilitation, Refreshments for attendees (basic for 100 persons), Invitation to Media Personal and Research Analysts, Press Release (as requested by Company).
  • Auditorium for Product/Media Launch (2-3hours), including all the services offered for Corporate Analyst Briefing (only offered in the Premium Package).
  • Training on the regulatory requirements which the company have to meet by regulatory affairs division of Pakistan Stock Exchange.
  • Directors Training Program conducted by PICG.
  • Workshop by PICG.

Click here For Booking

1. Corporate Analyst Briefings:

All companies publicly listed and funded by the general public have the key responsibility of educating and guiding all their shareholders about the company’s past financial performance, challenges, upcoming expansions, future growth outlook etc. This helps active investors in gauging whether or not to invest in your company’s future, as hearing directly from the company is an unmatched source.

PSX constantly endeavor to facilitate this requirement and offer to not only assist you in getting the relevant audience, but also offers PSX premises to facilitate the event. PSX’s team assists in the entire process to maximize Corporate Briefing Program’s productivity. Holding these briefings also qualifies our corporate members for PSX’s prestigious Top Company Awards.

‘Investors both locally and abroad want to hear about the success achieved by businesses in Pakistan, and we strive to make that happen!’

  • CBS Guidelines & Notice Preview
  • PSX Auditorium (Karachi) Charges Preview

2. Media and Public Relation Tools:

PSX offers all its listed companies an avenue to disseminate all information vital to the public at a national and international level. These services are extended to your corporate analyst briefings, important public disclosures and any other market sensitive information.

3. Investor Awareness Programs for Employees of listed Companies for HR Capital Development:

The initiative seeks to educate your company personnel on the process of defining their investment objectives, what to expect from the stock market, do’s & don’ts of investing, and how and where to begin when buying stocks. PSX offers to conduct these financial literacy programs at your location as well as offer our own premises free of cost. Our team of professional speakers are trained to introduce the knowledge of your employees in a smooth and effective way.

4. Pre-IPO Marketing:

Beginning a company’s journey towards an IPO is a daunting task requiring efforts on all fronts to maximize the proceeds from a public offering. Keeping the marketing challenges for IPO’s in mind, PSX has created a customized proposition for each Equity based IPO client to introduce the company to the general investment community – including preparing a documentary from concept to execution consisting of short videos, preparing and implementing the digital media plan and ensuring reach of the message. The digital execution and message will have the ability to engage audiences and has to be immediately shared onwards which can increase the reach of the campaign and message multifold.

The documentary may include an interview with the CEO on his vision and mission, brief introductions of key management personnel, tour of the factory or facility, CSR and SDG initiatives, and any other areas highlighting the company’s worth and profile. The documentary will then be pushed online to the relevant audience, to gain traction and boost the company’s offering. The proposal mentioned is linked to one of our media partner Vcast, but companies may choose to engage with a different partner offering similar services, according to individual requirements.

‘In the new digital age, PSX ensures its listing contenders get the projection they deserve to lay the foundation of a successful IPO’

5. Third Party Offering:

Pakistan Stock Exchange has partnered up with stakeholders to provide value added services for the listed companies on PSX. Training, awareness sessions and webinars among others are being offered to benefit various aspects of your businesses.