Main Board
Number of Listing Applications: 4
Names of Active Equity SecuritiesS.No | Name of Company |
1 | Barkat Frisian Agro Limited |
2 | Zarea Limited |
3 | Dalda Foods Limited |
4 | Searle Pakistan Limited |
Number of Recently Listed Companies: 5
Names of Recently Listed CompaniesS.No | Name of Company |
1 | BF Biosciences Limited |
2 | Fast Cables Limited |
3 | International Packaging Films Limited |
5 | Secure Logistics Group Limited |
Publicly Issued Debt
Number of Listing Applications: 0
Names of Active Publicly Issued Debt InstrumentsS.No | Name of Instrument | Name of Issuer |
N/A | N/A |
S.No | Name of Instruments | Name of Issuer |
1 | Sukuk Certificates (2nd Issue) | BankIslami Pakistan Limited |