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PSX hosts visit by SECP Chair for session with market participants on regulatory reforms & development

September 14, 2022

PSX hosts visit by SECP Chair for session with market participants on regulatory reforms & development

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) hosted a visit by the Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Mr. Aamir Khan, for a session on regulatory reforms and development with the PSX team and representatives of over a 100 TREC Holders. The SECP team, apart from the Chairman, included Mr. Asif Iqbal, Head of Department - PRDD-SMD. They were welcomed by the PSX Chairperson, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar; MD & CEO PSX, Mr. Farrukh H. Khan; PSX Board Members and senior management. Also present in the session were CEO, Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited, Mr. Badiuddin Akber, and CEO, National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited, Mr. Muhammad Lukman. The objective of the meeting was to review all facets of capital market development, challenges, current progress, outstanding developments, and to revisit the overall vision set out for capital market development.​

The Chairman SECP, Mr. Aamir Khan, stressed the need for developing the capital market by focusing on increasing the investor base and enhancing investments through the brokerage industry on expansion of their IT infrastructure. The MD & CEO PSX, Mr. Farrukh Khan, commented that we welcome the SECP Chairman to PSX who, along with the capital market stakeholders and market participants, is keen to address matters pertaining to development of the capital market, with particular focus on business and regulatory reforms made in the recent past.