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PSX conducts Investor Awareness Session for students of National University of Modern Languages, Rawalpindi

December 07, 2022

PSX conducts Investor Awareness Session for students of National University of Modern Languages, Rawalpindi

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) conducted an Investor Awareness Session for students of National University of Modern Languages, Rawalpindi campus. The participants were apprised about how to open a brokerage account, how to select stock-brokers, and how to navigate the PSX website and data portal. The participants learned about the importance of financial planning & saving, the effect of inflation on savings, stock investment and the advantages of long-term investment in the equity market. The faculty members present in the session and the students therein showed keen interest in the proceedings. At the end of the session there was an interactive Q&A segment where students asked several questions relevant to the functions and working of the capital market and its ecosystem.