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PSX, Abbasi & Company Pvt. Ltd. and Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry conduct an Industry Awareness Session

March 30, 2022

PSX, Abbasi & Company Pvt. Ltd. and Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry conduct an Industry Awareness Session

The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) team visited Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCJCCI) along with Abbasi & Company, a Consultant and Advisor of GEM Board, and met with representatives of local companies, family owned businesses, and senior management & executive committee members of PCJCCI. The PSX team delivered a detailed presentation about the Stock Exchange, its role in capital formation and the greater role it plays in the economy. The Regional Head, PSX Lahore, explained how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and greenfield companies can raise growth capital for their business needs by listing on PSX GEM board and benefit from listing in terms of greater visibility, attracting interest from investors, analysts and others, as well as enhancing their corporate governance and legacy structures for the future. The Consultant and Advisor present also explained their role, responsibilities and services which they can offer. The importance of succession planning was also highlighted to the participants as many known names in the business community fade out in Pakistan and do not survive until their 3rd generation takes over the helm of affairs of their companies, as per a study of the IFC (World Bank). The session was an interactive one with participants raising queries about eligibility criteria and procedure for listing at GEM board, amongst other inquiries.