PSX conducts Corporate Investor Awareness Session for ARCANA Next Capital

April 24, 2024

PSX conducts Corporate Investor Awareness Session for ARCANA Next Capital

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) conducted a Corporate Investor Awareness Session for employees and management of ARCANA Next Capital. This exercise was part of the PSX Investor Awareness campaign under the aegis of its Financial Literacy Initiative. The employees were informed about the various functions & operations of the Stock Exchange along with the different asset classes of investment available in Pakistan which were compared with equity investment. How companies and start-ups can raise growth capital by listing at PSX was also discussed in the session. The importance of listing for capital raising and increasing the visibility & overall image of companies was also explained to the employees. Furthermore, the employees were guided upon ways of navigating the PSX website and how to access the different types of information available on the PSX Data Portal. The session concluded after necessary discussions and deliberations with the guests and hosts thanking each other for their efforts to make the session a success.